sábado, 24 de novembro de 2018

Window list in Fluxbox

One of the best features on openbox comes "hidden" in Fluxbox. To use it, put a line in your "keys" (/home/"user"/.fluxbox/keys) file like that:

Mod4 Escape    :ClientMenu

In my case, when I click windows button+escape I get:

That's it!

Creating a Custom Shutdown Menu in Fluxbox

This is easy.

Just edit fluxbox "keys" inserting a line like that:

Mod4 x  :CustomMenu "path-to-menu"

Of course the menu you're pointing at must exist in ~/.fluxbox.

In my case, I've done that:

$ touch /home/pibarnas/.fluxbox/sair

$   echo "[begin] (Sair) \n \t [exit] (Sair) {Exit} \n \t [exec] (Desligar) {/sbin/shutdown -h now} \n \t [exec] (Reiniciar) {/sbin/shutdown -r now} \n [end]" > /home/pibarnas/.fluxbox/sair

$ cat /home/pibarnas/.fluxbox/sair

[begin] (Sair)
         [exit] (Sair) {Exit}
         [exec] (Desligar) {/sbin/shutdown -h now}
         [exec] (Reiniciar) {/sbin/shutdown -r now}

My ~/.fluxbox/keys related line:

 Mod4 x  :CustomMenu /home/pibarnas/.fluxbox/sair

Now when I click windows button+x this menu appear:

You can make custom menus other than the default one as you wish. Hope you like the tip!

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2015

Append suffix in linux file names with Shell Parameter Expansion

Well, everytime I read about shell (bash) parameter expansion I see examples ripping off the suffixes. But someday, I needed to do the inverse: Append suffixes. How to do that?

I've made a simple bash script to do so:

for i in *; do 
mv ${i} ${i}.sh;
exit 0

Using a for loop, I moved every file in the directory to the same name, with a ".sh" appended as suffix.

Feel free to change the suffix you want.

To revert:

for i in *; do
mv ${i} ${i/.sh/};
exit 0

In this case, in every file of the directory, ".sh" will be substituted for nothing. It may cause some troubles. Let's suppose you have a dir, full of these files:


They'll become:


So, in a better way, to remove only the suffixes ".sh":

for i in *; do 
mv ${i} ${i%%\.sh};
exit 0


Append prefixes:

To append, for instance, prefix "waka":

for i in *; do
mv ${i} ${i/#/waka};

Tip: "#" is before "i" (so,  prefix). "%" would be after "i".

It also can be done in a simpler way:

for i in *; do
mv ${i} waka${i};

That's all, folks!! 

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2015

Ultimate Guide for good Looking Fonts on Opensuse (13.2) - without Infinality

Well, as I'm using opensuse 13.2 as OS in one of my disks, let's see how we can improve the look of its horrible fonts.

First: Yast2>/etc/sysconfig editor>Desktop, as seen below: 

Play with font configs in each field. Mine I set as below:

USE_LCDFILTER: lcddefault

These settings will make the links on /etc/fonts/conf.d, disabled by default on opensuse. Other way to make this, as root:

cd /etc/fonts/conf.d/
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-autohint.conf
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/11-lcdfilter-default.conf

Make a file named user.js in  $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/ with this content:

user_pref("font.FreeType2.enable", "true");
user_pref("font.FreeType2.autohinted", "true");
user_pref("font.FreeType2.printing", "true");
user_pref("font.FreeType2.unhinted", "false");

To improve fonts and other enhancements on firefox, I use the excellent ArchWiki, mainly for dpi adjustments (I'm not a fanboy of just one distro but since I'm linux user since 1997, I understand distros are just some kind of free expression to get the same thing, like religions, and btw I used arch, made good friends and learn a lot from some years because of the experience, but the rolling release model doesn't fit on the plans of my server). Here's the link: Firefox tweaks on ArchWiki

Add some related lines to Xdefaults, if it doesn't have:

echo -e "Xft.autohint: 1\nXft.lcdfilter: lcddefault\nXft.hintstyle: hintfull\nXft.hinting: 1\nXft.antialias: 1\nXft.dpi: 144\nXft.rgba: rgb" >> ~/.Xdefaults

As I use a 1920x1080 monitor resolution, I use dpi=144, so pay attention to this set on .Xdefaults above and set accordingly to your own set.

And because of that, I made a xrandr.desktop to set dpi through xrandr as well, to autostart in LXDE:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xrandr --dpi 144

In lxappearance (LXDE), I set like this:


That's all. I hope this simple tuto helps the other Opensuse users with the bad looking fonts on this great distro (IMHO).   

sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014

Autostarting apps with LXDE

In a term:

#touch .config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
#cat .config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart

Now, LXDE will load pcmanfm on its start. Simply put what you want on the lines (apps), just remembering to put "@" before entry.

That's it!

Adding sound to LXDE start


Make a .desktop file and put it in ~/.config/autostart (if this dir doesn't exist, then create it):
# mkdir ~/.config/autostart
#touch ~/.config/autostart/sound.desktop

As you see, my file's named sound.desktop

Which contents may be:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=mplayer /home/pibarnas/Downloads/221359__melliug__newmessage.mp3

I've downloaded mine from freesound.org. There's a lot of sounds there. Enjoy!

segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013

Shutting down or restarting using openbox (with chroot)

First, your user must be allowed to shut down the system. Do it editing /etc/sudoers (a glance at man should help). We don't focus the edition of sudoers here. Then, add to you rc.xml (making backup of it first, always):

<keybind key="C-A-Delete" chroot="true">
      <keybind key="r">
        <action name="Execute">
          <prompt>Reiniciar o sistema?</prompt>
      <keybind key="x">
        <action name="Execute">
          <prompt>Desligar o sistema?</prompt>
      <keybind key="Escape">
        <action name="BreakChroot"/>

Doing so, when pressing ctrl+alt+del you'll be sent into a chroot that allows you to press x or r, the first will prompt a message to shutdown the system and the other, to restart it. If "yes" is chosen, the magic's done. Hope you like the tip.